Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures That Can Improve Your Smile

Cosmetic DentistryIf you have crooked, discolored, misshapen, or unevenly spaced teeth, our cosmetic dentistry procedures in Miami can help. Having teeth you are uncomfortable with can cause self-consciousness and dental health problems. If you would like to avoid these mental and physical maladies, we can provide you with the proper cosmetic dentistry procedures necessary to make the important improvements you need.

Teeth Whitening:

Our whitening or bleaching techniques gently lighten your teeth. Teeth can be stained due to many factors, including food and drink, age, smoking, or even injury. Depending on your particular needs, we will develop a teeth whitening strategy for you to follow that will effectively whiten your discolored teeth, creating a healthier and more beautiful appearance.

Composite Fillings:

Our cosmetic dentistry procedures include tooth-colored, composite fillings that are more preferred by clients than the more traditional amalgam, or “silver,” fillings. If you are unhappy with the fillings you have, we can replace them with more attractive and natural looking tooth-colored ones. If you have chipped or broken fillings already, we can also replace them with those of better quality.


Our bonding, a material similar in color and structure to our tooth-colored fillings, can be used to fill in chips and cracks and to improve the surface color of teeth.

Porcelain Veneers:

Our veneers are thin porcelain shells that are custom-created to cover your individual dental imperfections. These tooth-colored layers are bonded to the fronts of your teeth to create a more attractive smile. They can also restore damaged, uneven, discolored, poorly shaped, or misaligned teeth. Our veneers require minimum alteration of your natural tooth.


Our crowns, also referred to as “caps,” are a tooth-colored protection that encases your entire tooth. These are custom-made for each tooth. Crowns can restore damaged teeth, cover vulnerable teeth, and protect teeth that have been cracked from further breakage. They can also be used solely for cosmetic improvements. If you have a drastically discolored or damaged tooth, we can provide a crown that will look like the nearby healthy teeth and provide a whole, even smile.

Dental Implants:

Our dental implants are a permanent replacement for missing teeth. We implant a titanium rod into your jawbone structure that will result in artificial roots securely anchored in place. Your bone will fuse with the metal rod, which will provide a strong, stable, and permanent root for a prosthetic crown to cover. The final dental implant product will look and feel permanent and provide an attractive improvement for missing teeth.

These are a few of the many cosmetic dentistry procedures we offer to improve and complete your smile. When you are looking for the most long-lasting, attractive, and resilient results that also look incredibly realistic, visit our office for a consultation. Our Miami dental office can combine any of the above procedures for a complete smile makeover that you will love and that will last for decades.

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