Invisalign® Can Help You Achieve Your New Years’ Resolutions

InvisalignWhen continuing your new resolutions for the year, consider your smile and how Invisalign® can improve it. When you visit our office in Miami, we can help you have a beautiful smile. While most people write a New Years' resolution to get in shape by hitting the gym, changing your smile can definitely be at the top of your list. Even if your smile is not on there directly, there is a good chance that improving it can increase your confidence and help you achieve your goals.

How Invisalign® Can Help You Accomplish Your Goals

A beautiful smile can help an individual get ahead at work and in life. If one is interviewing for a dream job, then he or she wants a beautiful smile that will differentiate from the other candidates. If one is up for a raise, then one wants to flash those pearly whites. If one wants to be helpful and a good team player, then he or she needs to smile. While subtle, the power of a beautiful smile can give people a competitive advantage over their peers.

Simultaneously, if one's resolution has something to do with a romantic relationship, then one needs to be aware that a beautiful smile can influence both men and women. According to a survey conducted by, both men and women found that a beautiful smile was the most attractive quality anyone could have.

The Process of Wearing Invisalign®

Straightening teeth with Invisalign® is incredibly easy. We will begin by examining the patient's teeth and take X-rays. If we determine that the patient is a good candidate for the procedure, then we will make an impression and take digital images of the teeth. We will use the data we collect to build the patient's treatment plan so the teeth can move from their current position to beautifully straight smile. After creating the clear aligners in a lab, the patient will then be able to take them home. Each aligner looks like a clear, plastic retainer that slips around the teeth. The patient must wear the aligners for around 22 hours per day in order to keep the teeth moving in the right direction. Once the aligners become loose, the patient switches them out for the next one in the series.

The main benefit of wearing aligners is that one can take them out while eating. One can eat all of his or her favorite meals without needing to worry about damaging the aligners in any way. Another benefit is that the aligners are perfectly clear. When one smiles, it will be difficult, if not impossible to tell that the individual is wearing them. Thus, the patient will be able to see the improvements to the teeth as they happen, rather than waiting for the procedure to be complete.

Visit South Florida Dental Arts as part of your resolution, and you will be smiling boldly in no time.

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