Smile Makeover Treatments to Enhance Your Smile

Smile Makeover Miami, FL

You can have a smile makeover if you want to improve your smile. Talking to your dentist about your goals can create a good treatment plan. Your dentist can transform your smile with the right procedures. If you want to know more about the smile makeover treatments available, here are the details.

Porcelain veneers

This smile makeover can cover dental imperfections. It can hide misalignment, staining, chipping, cracking, and unevenness. The dentist will clean the teeth well first. Roughening the dental surfaces with some etching gel or solution will come next. It can strengthen the bond between the teeth and the veneers. Then, the dentist will adhere the custom-fit porcelain shells to the treated teeth.

Porcelain veneers can go on at least one tooth. It is a quick way to mask the flaws. The dentist will cement the shells. This makeover can change the way the person looks quickly. Traditional veneers take one to two weeks for the final shells to be ready. Some clinics can provide the shells in one dental visit with the help of 3D technology.

Dental fillings

Cavities can weaken and damage teeth. These can worsen and trigger pain when they reach the pulp. A smile makeover can also come in the form of dental fillings. These can restore decaying teeth.

The dentist will clean the affected teeth first. Drying and disinfecting the cavities will follow. Then, the dentist will use dental fillings to fill the cavities. Tooth-colored fillings are what most patients prefer. They blend with the neighboring teeth well.

Fillings are available in porcelain, gold, composite resin, and silver amalgam. The type of filling a patient gets depends on the insurance coverage. It also depends on the dentist’s suggestion and the extent of the decay. The dentist will conduct a physical examination of the patient’s teeth to determine which teeth need specific fillings.

Dental crowns

A dentist can also use dental crowns as a form of a smile makeover. Porcelain crowns are durable and capable of blending well with the neighboring teeth. These restorations can cover teeth with severe decay. Crowns can also protect teeth after root canal treatment. The dentist will shave off some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Then, the dentist will cement the custom-fit crown on the treated tooth.

Dental crowns can last for five to 15 years. The longevity depends on the wear the crown acquires. It also relies on the patient’s mouth habits and dental care practices. Crowns can deteriorate right away if the individual chews ice or has bruxism. Biting fingernails and using one’s teeth for opening packages are also quick ways to damage the crowns.

Teeth whitening

Dental discoloration can happen to anyone. Staining foods and drinks have chromogens. These substances stick to the white enamel layer. Dental trauma can also discolor teeth because the dentin will appear darker. Aging can thin out the enamel. This exposes the dentin more, resulting in yellow teeth.

Consuming tobacco products can result in stubborn, dark, or yellowish stains on the surface of teeth. Taking specific medications can also darken teeth. Doxycycline and tetracycline are antibiotics that can darken teeth. Radiation therapy to the neck and head can leave teeth with a darker color. Chemotherapy can also do the same.

In-office teeth whitening can remove stains or discoloration. This smile makeover can brighten teeth as well. This procedure can whiten teeth in about an hour. The bleaching agents in the clinic are stronger than the bleaching components in teeth-whitening products on the market. That is why the patient can go home with a whiter, more stunning smile.

Gum recontouring

This smile makeover is helpful for people with small teeth or gummy smiles. The problem here is the presence of too much gum tissue covering the teeth. Gum contouring can remove excess gum tissue. This treatment can make teeth look even. The result is a younger-looking, healthy smile. The dentist can perform this with teeth whitening if the patient prefers it.

The candidate for gum contouring knows that this procedure is a personal decision. Uneven gums can expose too little or too much of teeth. The dentist will examine the patient’s gums well to confirm the areas in need of contouring. The procedure will be painless.

You can have a dramatic smile transformation with the right smile makeover procedure

Diet, lifestyle, and aging contribute to the deterioration of teeth and gums. Staining, decay, chipping, and cracking can happen through the years. Your smile can have a stunning transformation with the right smile makeover treatment. A consultation with your dentist can determine which option can fulfill your cosmetic goals.

Are you considering having a smile makeover in the Miami area? Get more information at

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